Tuesday 6 March 2018


The Skin Fair opens on the 9th of March... only a couple more days before you are able to check out the latest skins, shapes and more on the grid.. Today I am honoured that I get to share the YS&YS new release for Lelutka at the Fair.. Natalie..

Mesh Body – Lara by Maitreya
Mesh Head – Greer by LeLutka
Skin – Natalie by *YS&YS* - Exclusive to the Skin Fair
Shape - *YS&YS* Natalie (Greer) 1 (included in skin pack)
Eyes – by LeLutka (comes with the mesh head)
Eye Appliers - by Izzies
Hair – Anna by MINA

The portrait above is wearing Tone 00, and had been edited, please see below for clean shots taken in Ultra Graphics, with TrinettySky - Studio Lighting 1 Windlight.  Tones in order of pic 00, 01, 02, 03, 04.

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