Wednesday, 13 May 2015

the garden shed..

wednesday again.. and i find myself wishing for the weekend.. once again..

credits & stuff..

clothes ~
~Blacklace~ Mona: Mesh Teal Floral Shorts

accessories ~

MAAI Slink Omega Maitreya HUD - hands & feet * night Hello Tuesday 12th May

body ~

[White~Widow] Dark Shadows available at the Cosmetic Fair - May 15th - 31st
Tableau Vivant~  My Love hair
IKON Hope Eyes - Storm
Maitreya Lara Mesh Body
LeLutka Mesh Head-karin
Lumae :: Adore - 4 - Peach // Tulips - body/skin & Lelutka head appliers
Slink Hands (Elegant)
Slink High Feet
[MANDALA] STEKING ears season 5
Shape by League, no longer available

decor ~ 
:Cheeky Pea: Spring Picket Bed (Adult)

photo taken at ~
~ serein ~

<3 raven xx

1 yorum:

  1. With a ass like that I find you might need to be taken out behind the garden shed as we rednecks say...for a good spanking
