Friday, 23 October 2015

bright white..

what a week.. so busy..  nights out, long lunches and trying to get so much work done while i am trained for new job and training another girl.. it's madness!!

but beneath all the insanity.. i am feeling calm.. well most of the time.. as an emotional creature the calmness has a variety of levels.. but its looking brighter.. which is so good for my own self.. and those around me.. lol.. since i tend to drive people mad!!! ..

anyway enough about me.. look down for all the credits.. including this great lingerie body suit by Just Because at the Mesh Body Addicts Event which is on now!!

lingerie ~
*JustBecause* *JB* Erika Lingerie available at MBA

tattoo ~
[White~Widow] Wild

body ~ 
no.match_ ~ NO_FIRE ~
IKON Hope Eyes - Storm
Maitreya Lara Mesh Body
LeLutka Mesh Head- Karin 1.2
Lumae :: Fae - Bare Skin (Lara and Lelutka Appliers)
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads ) Megan Appliers (makeup)
*MC* "Falsies" Mesh Alpha Lashes
Slink Hands (Elegant)
Slink High Feet
[MANDALA] STEKING ears season 5
Shape by League, no longer available

decor  ~
Stockholm&Lima: Pillow Pile 

photo taken at ~
~ serein club ~  (open to public)

♥ raven xx 

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