Monday, 1 June 2015

a hint of blue...

this week is insane, massive week at work with sales conference, and i need to present some procedural changes to our reps, as well as get my daily things done, and my son is going through exams at the moment also, so pressure keeping him going with studies for the exams he will undertake over the next two weeks.. and then SL.. wow.. how many great events have started today!!! busy time..


you can tell the week is underway when a new round of Hello Tuesday is just around the corner, i love this event at the Cosmopolitan Bi Weekly Event.. the stores around the sim have an item outside their shop that is either 50L or 50% off.. so always worth checking out!!

credits & stuff..

clothes & shoes ~
BelleP. Apparel Top for Hello Tuesday -  2nd June
A&CO-Gaia Mini Skirt available at Cosmopolitan
Me Sew Sexy  *MSS* Nora Black Heels for Hello Tuesday -  2nd June

accessories ~
Bangles from the Meva Asia Set for Hello Tuesday -  2nd June

body ~

*Soonsiki! Aries Hair
IKON Hope Eyes - Storm
Maitreya Lara Mesh Body
LeLutka Mesh Head- Karin
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads ) Karin Applier
Slink Hands (Elegant)
Slink High Feet
[MANDALA] STEKING ears season 5
Shape by League, no longer available

pose & prop ~ 
Exposeur - The White Rooms

♥ raven xx

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