Thursday, 30 June 2016

dark flower..

The new round of The Gacha Guardians is about to start ~ July 1.. and as always Luxuria have created some pretty, sexy lingerie to the event.. just loving this print... This event is an instore event!!.. enjoy ♥

lingerie ~
{Luxuria} Rose Lingerie - Applier *red*, for the Gacha Guardians

hair ~
[elikatira] [e] Libby

tattoo ~
[White~Widow]  Demolition - Black

body ~ 
IKON Sovereign Eyes - Dune
-Belleza- Isis
LeLutka Mesh Head- Karin
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads ) Appliers
FATElashes v2.0
Slink Hands & Deluxe Feet Hud
[MANDALA] STEKING ears season 5
Shape by League, no longer available

photo taken at ~
~ serein club~ (group only)

♥ raven xx 

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

brewing storms..

life is crazy!!.. Work has been insanely busy, but i am loving it!, a couple of days off work this week, been filled with errands, house stuff, and also my son turned 18 today!!.. he is off in his room now gaming, i bought him a second monitor, so he is having fun with all that!!.. So before i need to start birthday dinner i am relaxing.. enjoying the quiet, some Criminal Minds..  Also need to look up some patterns for crocheting, as i have some orders from girls at work yay!. did i mention life is crazy! and i loving it!! ♥

any way in my down time.. this pic was so fun to put together..

outfit ~
*JustBecause* *JB* Erika Lingerie
RealEvil Ind. Bad-Kitty Epiphany - Necklace
[ bubble ]  Nail It Nose Piercing

hair ~
Mithral * Acacia

tattoo ~
[White~Widow]  Zoom- Black

body ~ 
IKON Sovereign Eyes - Dune
-Belleza- Isis
LeLutka Mesh Head- Karin
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads ) Appliers
FATElashes v2.0
Slink Hands & Deluxe Feet Hud
[MANDALA] STEKING ears season 5
Shape by League, no longer available 

prop ~
Kalopsia - Vintage Dune Buggy available at Uber

♥ raven xx 

Monday, 27 June 2016

never forget...

anything i say in this post now will not give justice to those effected, to the world we live in, reeling from the mass killing and injury that took place at the Pulse Night Club in Orlando that took place recently.

Instead i will share that there is a benefit/funding raising event starting on the 28th June till July 12th.  All funds will go to the gofundme page raising money for the victims and their families.

Please read more on the Salt&Pepper blog..  I am featuring their limited edition outfit that will only be available in this colour at the event.. 

outfit ~
Salt&Pepper S&P Aly Flowers available at Pulse Fundraiser

hair ~
[elikatira] [e] Lena available at Hair O logy   - Free Gift 

tattoo ~
Prodigy Ink Adam

body ~ 
IKON Sovereign Eyes - Dune
Maitreya Lara Mesh Body
LeLutka Mesh Head- Karin
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads ) Jin Appliers
FATElashes v2.0
Slink Hands (Elegant)
Slink High Feet
[MANDALA] STEKING ears season 5
Shape by League, no longer available 

photo taken at ~
Wasteland Motors

♥ raven xx 

Saturday, 25 June 2016

take the music with you...

no matter where you go.. what you do.. there should always be music.. ♥

Uber started last night and Vinyl have released this amazing set.. the top and shorts are bought separately, and the harness pieces included with (harness top with tube, and harness bottom with shorts).  Harness top and bottom can also be worn without the tube and shorts... so if you really love harnesses like i do, then this is definitely worth a look.. So many combinations to wear and play with!!.. oh and as she does.. a bonus graphic print on hud when you buy the colour/s you love!!

outfit ~
Vinyl  Schultz Tube Top & Akeda Harness available at Uber
Vinyl  Neyla Safari Shorts & Akeda Harness available at Uber

hair ~
Baiastice_Listening Hair available at C88 Free Gift for SL13

body ~ 
IKON Sovereign Eyes - Dune
Maitreya Lara Mesh Body
LeLutka Mesh Head- Karin
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads ) Jin Appliers
FATElashes v2.0
Slink Hands (Elegant)
Slink High Feet
[MANDALA] STEKING ears season 5
Shape by League, no longer available 

pose/prop ~ Something New SN~  Mixed Emotions 3 

photo taken at ~
Keys by Cica Ghost

♥ raven xx 

Friday, 24 June 2016


Another cold day here.. so staying inside.. a few chores done, more to do, though i really can not be bothered.. lol.. maybe soon, after i post this and share amazing finds from The Fantasy Collective which opened late this week.

I am fast becoming a big fan of Azuchi and this body suit is soo sexy.. it is for maitreya body, and fits like a glove.. a sexy shiny glove!!! And i couldn't help but use this hammock from Stockholm&Lima.. it comes in Adult and D/s versions.. I will share more pics of this great piece of furniture in future posts so you can see it as a hammock too.. great menu.. and only 6LI!

bodysuit ~
[Azuchi] Crystal Bodysuit Black available at The Fantasy Collective

hair ~
Magika  - Written

body ~ 
IKON Sovereign Eyes - Dune
Maitreya Lara Mesh Body
LeLutka Mesh Head- Karin
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads ) Jin Appliers
FATElashes v2.0
Slink Hands (Elegant)
Slink High Feet
[MANDALA] STEKING ears season 5
Shape by League, no longer available 

hammock ~
Stockholm&Lima: Alderaan Hammock available at The Fantasy Collective

house ~
Scarlet Creative   Alaouite Skybox from June Luxe Box

♥ raven xx 

Thursday, 23 June 2016


been really tired this week.. not sure if it because it has been so cold or just that rl work is crazy busy.. so blogging was replaced with early nights and sleep.. and today feel so much better for it.. and to fight the fact it is cold outside.. thought i would post a bikini pic!! ♥ Apologies for no credit for hair, but took this pic late one night, and i can not remember what it was i was wearing..

bikini ~
[Cynful] Poolside Bikini & Body Chain

body ~ 
IKON Sovereign Eyes - Dune
Maitreya Lara Mesh Body
LeLutka Mesh Head- Karin
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads )
FATElashes v2.0
Slink Hands (Elegant)
Slink High Feet
[MANDALA] STEKING ears season 5
Shape by League, no longer available 

photo taken at ~
~ serein ~ (open to public)

♥ raven xx

Thursday, 23 June 2016

copper ink...

tattoo ~
[White~Widow] Genius available at The Fantasy Collective, 22nd June

hair ~
Magika  - Hush

body ~ 
IKON Hope Eyes - Storm
Maitreya Lara Mesh Body
LeLutka Mesh Head- Karin
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads ) Jin Appliers
FATElashes v2.0 Slink Hands (Elegant)
Slink High Feet
[MANDALA] STEKING ears season 5
Shape by League, no longer available 

house ~
Scarlet Creative   Alaouite Skybox from June Luxe Box

♥ raven xx 

Monday, 20 June 2016

sun glow..

The new round of Cosmopolitan is just about to start... and both Kaithleens and RealEvil Industries have wonderful releases..

The pretty dress from Kaithleen's has a colour hud to change the dress, straps and the panels at the bottom.. fits so well on my Maitreya body..

RealEvil have created this gorgeous necklace complete with pendant that you can upload a pic to feature.. also has textures you can choose from in the hud..  

Well worth a trip to this new round of Cosmo.. ♥

dress ~
Kaithleen's Lined Bottom Dress, maitreya fit available at Cosmopolitan 

necklace ~
RealEvil **RE**  LUX Clara Necklace available at Cosmopolitan

hair ~
Exile::Memory Bliss 

body ~ 
IKON Hope Eyes - Storm
Maitreya Lara Mesh Body
LeLutka Mesh Head- Karin
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads ) Jin Appliers
FATElashes v2.0
Slink Hands (Elegant)
Slink High Feet
[MANDALA] STEKING ears season 5
Shape by League, no longer available 

house ~
Scarlet Creative   Alaouite Skybox from June Luxe Box

♥ raven xx   

Monday, 20 June 2016

dark lavender..

outfit ~
 Tee*fy Sabrina Bralet - Maitreya - Black from June round of Luxe Box
*JustBecause* *JB* Elise Maxi Skirt available at Uber, then main store

hair ~
.~Tableau Vivant~ Hatsuhi hair 

body ~ 
IKON Hope Eyes - Storm
Maitreya Lara Mesh Body
LeLutka Mesh Head- Karin
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads ) Jin Appliers
FATElashes v2.0
Slink Hands (Elegant)
Slink High Feet
[MANDALA] STEKING ears season 5
Shape by League, no longer available 

photo taken at ~
~ serein ~ (open to public)

♥ raven xx   

Friday, 17 June 2016

salvage... after dark..

my After Dark post is a bit late this week.. the four day week kind of messed up my timing of things.. but soo worth the wait!!..

recently RealEvil Industries have started doing fitmesh clothes, and they do NOT disappoint at all.. i am just loving this new sexy skirt.. available at the new round of Tres Chic.. leather.. short.. a cut out at the hip.. what more could you ask for from a mini skirt! oh yes.. there is more.. zips.. a belt.. so full the detail RealEvil are known for.  Teamed with this sexy little top from Addams and this amazing tattoo by White Widow..

couldn't really go wrong for this weeks After Dark Fitmesh post... ♥

outfit ~
RealEvil Ind. **RE** Sienna Skirt available at Tres Chic
Addams // Fractal Top  

hair ~
pr!tty - Jeanie  available at Hair O logy

tattoo ~
[White~Widow] Gravity 

body ~ 
IKON Hope Eyes - Storm
Maitreya Lara Mesh Body
LeLutka Mesh Head- Karin
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads ) Jin Appliers
FATElashes v2.0 Slink Hands (Elegant)
Slink High Feet
[MANDALA] STEKING ears season 5
Shape by League, no longer available 

photo taken at ~
Redemption ~ Elysion

♥ raven xx 

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

bright blue..

Amongst my darker.. sultry sort of posts i do like to do something bright now and again..

HairOlogy is on at the moment and it is a discount round!! All designers offering from 25-75% and also there are free gifts everywhere!.. look for the SL13 birthday cakes..

Blueberry released this sexy little dress yesterday and i splurged and got the fatpack.. the fatpack has so many additional patterns.. and this is my fave!! well for today.. i could change my mind!! 

dress ~
Blueberry - Larissa

hair ~
[elikatira] [e] Lena available at Hair O logy   - Free Gift

body ~
IKON Sovereign Eyes - Dune
Maitreya Lara Mesh Body
LeLutka Mesh Head- Karin
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads ) Appliers
FATElashes v2.0
Slink Hands (Elegant)
Slink Avatar Enhancement Feet Deluxe V1.2
[MANDALA] STEKING ears season 5
Shape by League, no longer available    

♥ raven xx 

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

sweet dreamers..

i can't believe i haven't blogged most of the weekend, and now it is Tuesday evening.. it wasn't a deliberate break, just busy and maybe a bit lazy..  lol.. spent time doing some work for MBA Bi Monthly for July.. getting things organised.. it's very exciting to be part of it.. ♥  I did go out and get some new eyes at Ikon, wanted a break from the greens and blues.. i love these ones.. so impressed..

bodysuit ~
=Zenith=Lace Up Bodysuit (gacha) coming soon to Kustom 9 

hair ~
pr!tty - May

body ~
IKON Sovereign Eyes - Dune
Maitreya Lara Mesh Body
LeLutka Mesh Head- Karin
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads ) Jin Appliers
FATElashes v2.0
Slink Hands (Elegant)
Slink Avatar Enhancement Feet Deluxe V1.2
[MANDALA] STEKING ears season 5
Shape by League, no longer available    

♥ raven xx 

Saturday, 11 June 2016

beads.. afterdark..

just when i was wondering what i would post this week for my after dark fit mesh find i saw this harness and how could i not use it for this post.  It is by salt & pepper and it is sooo pretty.. leather harness with metal and bead detail, cute pasties... it is stunning.. available in single colours or fatpack.. i am wearing the Maitreya experimental size and fits beautifully.. it is currently available at The Vintage Fair..

harness ~
Salt&Pepper S&P harness Yvette available at The Vintage Fair

hair ~
no.match_ ~  No_Rockstar  

tattoo ~
[White~Widow]  Midnight Paris in White

body ~
IKON Hope Eyes - Storm
Maitreya Lara Mesh Body
LeLutka Mesh Head- Karin
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads ) Jin Appliers
FATElashes v2.0
Slink Hands (Elegant)
Slink Avatar Enhancement Feet Deluxe V1.2
[MANDALA] STEKING ears season 5
Shape by League, no longer available    

cage ~
Stockholm&Lima: The Nightingale Cage

♥ raven xx 

Friday, 10 June 2016

distant shores..

The Liaison Collaborative has started... earlier i posted the release by Luxuria.. a nautical themed bra/knicker set... and now i get to share the Vinyl release.. thermal top and boy shorts.. soo cute.. and the shorts.. LOVE!!!

outfit ~
Vinyl  Ella Outfit available at The Liaison Collaborative

hair ~
Tableau Vivant \\ Harukaze hair 

tattoo ~
[White~Widow]  Midnight Paris in White
body ~ 
IKON Hope Eyes - Storm
Maitreya Lara Mesh Body
LeLutka Mesh Head- Karin
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads ) Appliers (makeup)
FATElashes v2.0
Slink Hands (Elegant)
Slink High Feet
[MANDALA] STEKING ears season 5
Shape by League, no longer available 

♥ raven xx

Friday, 10 June 2016

anchors away..

some pretties from Luxuria at The Liaison Collaborative..

lingerie ~
{Luxuria} Nautical Lingerie available at The Liaison Collaborative, New release 25% off only during the event

hair ~
pr!tty - May

body ~
IKON Hope Eyes - Storm
Maitreya Lara Mesh Body
LeLutka Mesh Head- Karin
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads ) Jin Appliers
FATElashes v2.0
Slink Hands (Elegant)
Slink Avatar Enhancement Feet Deluxe V1.2
[MANDALA] STEKING ears season 5
Shape by League, no longer available    

photo taken at ~
~ serein ~ (open to public)

♥ raven xx 

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

a single candle..

dress ~
Kaithleen's Paris Dress available at The Vintage Fair

hair ~
pr!tty - May

body ~
IKON Hope Eyes - Storm
Maitreya Lara Mesh Body
LeLutka Mesh Head- Karin
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads ) Jin Appliers
FATElashes v2.0
Slink Hands (Elegant)
Slink Avatar Enhancement Feet Deluxe V1.2
[MANDALA] STEKING ears season 5
Shape by League, no longer available    

decor ~
Stockholm&Lima: Alderaan Park Design Set available at Fameshed

photo taken at ~
~ serein ~ (open to public)

♥ raven xx 

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

evening fire..

from blonde to black.. i also love being a fiery red head in SL... i have been a redhead in RL too.. it's such a fun colour to be.. who knows before the year is out.. i may go back to red in RL... but for today.. i will be a fiery red head..

AviCandy have outdone themselves for The Vintage Fair.. starting 10 June.. she has available stockings for every decade from 1920's to 70's... soo much fun.. today i am showing off the 1920s.. i just love the front lace panel.. so pretty and feminine..

hosiery ~
AviCandy 1920's Inspired Vintage Hosiery available at The Vintage Fair

hair ~
Tameless Hair Godiva 

body ~
IKON Hope Eyes - Storm
Maitreya Lara Mesh Body
LeLutka Mesh Head- Karin
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads ) Jin Appliers
Izzie's - LeLutka Noble Lipstick Applier
FATElashes v2.0
Slink Hands (Elegant)
Slink High Feet
[MANDALA] STEKING ears season 5
Shape by League, no longer available    

photo taken at ~
~ serein ~ (open to public)

♥ raven xx 

Monday, 6 June 2016

ship wrecked..

i wasn't sure what i wanted to do with this pic.. then i remembered this overturned boat on The Chamber sim.. and was perfect for the mood i wanted to capture.. and then i dusted off the first tattoo i bought from [White~Widow], called Crosswind.. i forgot how much i loved it.. everytime she releases another i fall in love all over again... then teamed it with the latest release from *JustBecause* at the new round of Fameshed.. i love this bikini.. i seem to be saying that a lot this sl summer season.. i have never had so many bikinis!!.. 

sometimes i feel like it would be nice to be ship wrecked, even for a day.. to just sink into some quiet, and listen to the waves..

sending smiles n good wishes to all.. ♥

Sunday, 5 June 2016

night blooming..

i love when the sun starts to set.. the feeling of the night taking over from the day... when the darkness embraces my world.. and comfort into the night begins..

We <3 Roleplay has begun again.. and what a great round.. i am wearing the release from Salt&Pepper.. its a top/skirt combination, but really wanted to show the detail on the top.. its just stunning..

outfit ~
Salt&Pepper dress Valerie available available at we <3 roleplay

hair ~
Exile::Memory Bliss  

body ~
IKON Hope Eyes - Storm
Maitreya Lara Mesh Body
LeLutka Mesh Head- Karin
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads ) Jin Appliers
Izzie's - LeLutka Noble Lipstick Applier
FATElashes v2.0
Slink Hands (Elegant)
Slink High Feet
[MANDALA] STEKING ears season 5
Shape by League, no longer available    

photo taken at ~
Luanes World

♥ raven xx 

Saturday, 4 June 2016

vintage days..

just a little pic i took late last night.. almost forgot i took it.. was hanging out at Creswick Island.. a lovely sim to explore.. and this setting was just perfect for the Cynful Groovy Romper which will be available June 10 at The Vintage Fair

outfit ~
[Cynful] Groovy Romper available at The Vintage Fair starting 10 June

hair ~
pr!tty - Moop

body ~
IKON Hope Eyes - Storm
Maitreya Lara Mesh Body
LeLutka Mesh Head- Karin
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads ) Jin Appliers
Izzie's - LeLutka Noble Lipstick Applier
FATElashes v2.0
Slink Hands (Elegant)
Slink High Feet
[MANDALA] STEKING ears season 5
Shape by League, no longer available    

photo taken at ~
Crestwick Island

♥ raven xx 

Friday, 3 June 2016

metaillic... after dark

so my dark post is a little late this week, rl is soo busy and killing my brain cells!! lol... so anyway.. this little skimpy outfit was fun to put together and as always it's mesh body fitmesh. 

The top is the bikini top from the Birdy - Boho - Bikini gacha at the new round of Arcade.. Maitreya fit only.  I love the pattern and finish on this bikini and works perfectly with this belt skirt by insanya.  Comes with a great hud to change the belt and fabric textures.. i chose the gold studs to offset the gold in the top.  The skirt is fitmesh for Maitreya and Slink (both).

outfit ~
Birdy - Boho - Bikini Top - Black available at Arcade (gacha)
:::insanya::: BeltSkirt - Solid

hair ~
[KoKoLoReS]  Hair - Vanessa

body ~
IKON Hope Eyes - Storm
Maitreya Lara Mesh Body
LeLutka Mesh Head- Karin
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads ) Jin Appliers
Izzie's - LeLutka Noble Lipstick Applier
FATElashes v2.0
Slink Hands (Elegant)
Slink High Feet
[MANDALA] STEKING ears season 5
Shape by League, no longer available    

photo taken at ~
~ serein ~ (open to public)

♥ raven xx 

Thursday, 2 June 2016


ok.. so featuring events beginning with 'F' today.. the fantasy collective has been on for a little while now, and ends on June 15, !gO have released this great hair.. i love how messy it is.. so cute.. and textural..

the other favourite F event is Fameshed.. and Vinyl have this cute top and skirt.. this top is amazing.. i love the textures and beads.. and who can't go past a cute mini skirt!!

all details below.. ♥

outfit ~
Vinyl  Marina Bustier available at Fameshed
Vinyl  Charlotte Skirt available at Fameshed

hair ~
!gO!  Anawa hair available at The Fantasy Collective
body ~ 
IKON Hope Eyes - Storm
-Belleza- Isis
LeLutka Mesh Head- Karin
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads ) Appliers (makeup)
FATElashes v2.0
Slink Hands (Elegant)
Slink High Feet
[MANDALA] STEKING ears season 5
Shape by League, no longer available 

prop/pose by ~
Exposeur - The White Rooms

♥ raven xx