Saturday, 30 April 2016

toes in the sand..

Well a weekend has come and is almost gone already.. it has flown by.. and it has come with the beginning of a new month, which we all know means lots of events opening up again.. One such event that starts tonight is the Gacha Garden... two of the designers featuring there are Stockholm&Lima, and Luxuria..   If you want to know more how Gacha Garden works, as there is a seed of inspiration prize also on the machines.. please check out their website.. but for now.. all links and credits below.. as well as a close in pic.. ♥

lingerie ~
{Luxuria} Bella Bodysuit - Applier *soft pink*, Seed of Inspiration at the gacha garden

hair ~ 
.Olive. the Steamer Hair - Satin

body ~ 
IKON Hope Eyes - Storm
Maitreya Lara Mesh Body
LeLutka Mesh Head- Karin
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads ) Jin Appliers (makeup)
*MC* "Falsies" Mesh Alpha Lashes
Slink Hands (Elegant)
Slink High Feet
[MANDALA] STEKING ears season 5
Shape by League, no longer available 

decor ~ 
Stockholm&Lima: Little Beach Fort-Lace RARE  available at the gacha garden

photo taken at ~
~ serein ~ (open to public)

♥ raven xx  


Friday, 29 April 2016

at the library..

i was visiting The Library last night (members only)... an erotic adult themed space owned by a friend of mine.. i wasn't intending on sharing this outfit in a post.. but i love the combination.. the new release by Azuchi-Vinyl Jacket available at Uber .. and a new store release by Just Because..  all credits below... ♥

outfit ~
Azuchi-Vinyl Stevie Leather Jacket available at Uber
*JustBecause* *JB* Michelle Dress

hair ~
Amacci Hair - Natia 

body ~ 
IKON Hope Eyes - Storm
Maitreya Lara Mesh Body
LeLutka Mesh Head- Karin
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads ) Jin Appliers
*MC* "Falsies" Mesh Alpha Lashes
Slink Hands (Elegant)
Slink High Feet
[MANDALA] STEKING ears season 5
Shape by League, no longer available 
photo taken at ~
The Library

♥ raven xx 

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

finding herself..

been spending some time lately sorting out what i want to do here. in my blogging space.. i love this avenue of creativity.. for me it is not just taking a pic and showing an amazing creators designs at a current event, or even a design that has been around a while.. for me it is important to capture 'me' as well.. who knows what facet of 'me' you will get to see.. but it is important to be myself..

talking to a couple friends this afternoon i am going to move along a more focused path.. but with my many facets it may not always be obvious.. but you will always get me.. ♥


OMG.. i got into UBER within minutes of it opening and it is a fantastic round!! last night i gave a peak to the release from Just Because... today the amazing collaboration of Azuchi and Vinyl.. the lingerie by Tetra.. oh and swing by Cosmopolitan for this great tattoo release by White Widow!

outfit ~
Azuchi-Vinyl Stevie Leather Jacket available at Uber
TETRA - Lingerie Spring Set (Arctic) available at Uber  

widow ~
[White~Widow] Criminal available at Cosmopolitan

hair ~
Exile::Memory Bliss   

body ~ 
IKON Hope Eyes - Storm
Maitreya Lara Mesh Body
LeLutka Mesh Head- Simone
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads ) Jin Appliers
*MC* "Falsies" Mesh Alpha Lashes
Slink Hands (Elegant)
Slink High Feet
[MANDALA] STEKING ears season 5
Shape by League, no longer available 
photo taken at ~

♥ raven xx 

Monday, 25 April 2016

here i am...

after a very lazy long weekend.. i wanted to do a pic for me.. not worry too much about preserving colours.. wear a favourite designer, JustBecause, actually made it into Uber when the gates opened, to get this latest release, Winnie Shirt.. love it! even bought a design that i wouldn't normally buy but knew i would love taking pics in it.. teamed it with another fave.. Blueberry, the shorts .. yes i have too many favourites in the fitmesh fashion world in SL! lol..  oh can't forget.. this cute hair is by Mina..

took myself to the Salt & Pepper sim.. and found a quiet place to take my pic..

lost myself in adobe elements for a while.. and am happy with the results.. ♥ ♥

please let me know if you need any other credits for the pic.. this is a lazy posting night.. too sleepy..

Sunday, 24 April 2016

harsh light of day..

I love this build at Elysion, not sure how long it will last for, i was there for an event yesterday, and knew i had to come back to take a pic.. stunning as always.. Elysion is an adult sim, members only.. ♥

And i just love this dress by Kaithleen's for the 50 Shades of Lust Event!!

All stuff you need to know..

outfit ~
Kaithleen's Metallic Shell Dress available at 50 Shades of Lust

necklace ~
RealEvil **RE** LUX Xandra

hair ~
Amacci Hair - Vivien available at Hair O logy  

body ~ 
IKON Hope Eyes - Storm
Maitreya Lara Mesh Body
LeLutka Mesh Head- Simone
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads ) Jin Appliers
*MC* "Falsies" Mesh Alpha Lashes
Slink Hands (Elegant)
Slink High Feet
[MANDALA] STEKING ears season 5
Shape by League, no longer available 
photo taken at ~

♥ raven xx 

Saturday, 23 April 2016

night games..

just messing around on a lazy sunday... i have blogged these items before, not like this though.. i enjoy this look.. so thought i would grab a lovely dark pic.. 

outfit ~
[Azuchi-Vinyl] Dress Code available at The Epiphany
Photographed: Tie, Bra & Skirt..
Vinyl - Rom Jacket 

boots ~
 ...Mutresse... Kaisia Boots

nails ~
DarkPassions - Koffin Nails - Raven Wings available at Dark Side Fair

hair ~
pr!tty - May available at Hair O logy  

body ~ 
IKON Hope Eyes - Storm
Maitreya Lara Mesh Body
LeLutka Mesh Head- Simone
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads ) Jin Appliers
*MC* "Falsies" Mesh Alpha Lashes
Slink Hands (Elegant)
Slink High Feet
[MANDALA] STEKING ears season 5
Shape by League, no longer available 
decor ~

photo taken at ~
~ serein ~ (open to public)

♥ raven xx 

Saturday, 23 April 2016

hint of red...

Some great events still happening at the moment are Hair O logy  , The Epiphany and 50 Shades of Lust.. crowds will have quietened since they have been open for more than a week.. so best time to shop is now...

outfit ~
AviCandy Striped Latex - Shades of Grey 50% off at fair only 50 Shades of Lust

hair ~
Tameless Hair Godiva available at Hair O logy  

tattoo ~
[White~Widow] Charade from The Epiphany

body ~ 
IKON Hope Eyes - Storm
Maitreya Lara Mesh Body
LeLutka Mesh Head- Karin
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads ) Jin Appliers
*MC* "Falsies" Mesh Alpha Lashes
Slink Hands (Elegant)
Slink High Feet
[MANDALA] STEKING ears season 5
Shape by League, no longer available 

♥ raven xx  

Saturday, 23 April 2016

looking to new stars..

YAY! Fantasy Faire!  so much good stuff going on for it, so many events and things...

Today i get to share the Roawenwood Deep Woods Forest Sojourn Set, this setting will not be available after the fair, and all proceeds are going to RFL!.. it is such a gorgeous peaceful setting.. pond, trees.. ferns and butterflies.. be sure to check it out when you go to the Faire..and don't forget the purchase goes to raise funds for RFL.. a good cause all round.. ♥

Friday, 22 April 2016

friday stuff..

thank goodness it's friday.. i am relaxing this evening.. tv on.. glass? well that needs a refill.. and curled up on my couch.. sharing more event stuff with you today.. N21, Lost & Found, HairOlogy, FiftyLFriday..  enough to keep all shoppers happy!! ♥

outift ~
Vinyl  - Shinoda Khakis for FiftyL Friday
Tori's Stylez TS-Bikini-Bali- Top Only Shown

hair ~
Mithral * Acacia  available at Hair O logy 

body ~ 
IKON Hope Eyes - Storm
Maitreya Lara Mesh Body
LeLutka Mesh Head- Karin
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads ) Jin Appliers
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads ) Ruth Appliers (makeup)
*MC* "Falsies" Mesh Alpha Lashes
Slink Hands (Elegant)
Slink High Feet
[MANDALA] STEKING ears season 5
Shape by League, no longer available 

decor ~
GOOSE  - Old painting canvas and wooden crates cabinet available at Lost & Found
Di'Cor Nicky's Apple Lounger available at N21

♥ raven xx  

Thursday, 21 April 2016

dark roses...

i do love trying to get a good closeup, it's still a challenge for me, one i love!!..

collar ~
Salt&Pepper S&P Collar Joan available at we <3 roleplay 
** harness is part of cage accessories

bra ~
Blueberry - Loud  - Studded Bra

hair ~
Tableau Vivant \\ Gloomy hair

body ~ 
IKON Hope Eyes - Storm
Maitreya Lara Mesh Body
LeLutka Mesh Head- Karin
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads ) Jin Appliers
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads ) Ruth Appliers (makeup)
*MC* "Falsies" Mesh Alpha Lashes
Slink Hands (Elegant)
Slink High Feet
[MANDALA] STEKING ears season 5
Shape by League, no longer available 

cage ~
Stockholm&Lima: The Nightingale Cage (Clean) available at ROMP

♥ raven xx  

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

to play nice.. or not..

feeling very creative at the moment.. even with so much going on.. and not much sleep.. i am surprising myself...

all the info on all the goodies i am wearing today...

outfit ~
Kaithleen's Tape Top with Chain available at Cosmopolitan
DE Designs - Rhea Pants Maitreya  

tattoo ~
[White~Widow] Demolition available at Black Fashion Fair

hair ~
Beusy: Club Queen Mesh Hair & Hat for Hair O logy

body ~ 
IKON Hope Eyes - Storm
Maitreya Lara Mesh Body
LeLutka Mesh Head- Karin
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads ) Jin Appliers
*MC* "Falsies" Mesh Alpha Lashes
Slink Hands (Elegant)
Slink High Feet
[MANDALA] STEKING ears season 5
Shape by League, no longer available 

pose/prop ~Exposeur - Pipes

♥ raven xx  

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

dreaming in black and white..

i love black and white photography...but don't feel confident enough to edit into this genre.. it always has so much depth.. tends to show a deeper story.. but today this pic... i love.. hope you like it too.. ♥

outfit ~
{Luxuria} Bound Lace Lingerie *INDULGENCE available at ROMP    

accessories ~
**RE** Savage Necklace available at Men's Only Monthly

tattoo ~
[White~Widow] Demolition available at Black Fashion Fair

hair ~
/Wasabi Pills/ Reva Mesh Hair for Hair O logy

body ~ 
IKON Hope Eyes - Storm
Maitreya Lara Mesh Body
LeLutka Mesh Head- Karin
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads ) Jin Appliers
*MC* "Falsies" Mesh Alpha Lashes
Slink Hands (Elegant)
Slink High Feet
[MANDALA] STEKING ears season 5
Shape by League, no longer available 

Stockholm&Lima: Lovers Lounge
♥ raven xx  

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

at the diner...

i wonder sometimes who reads my little ramblings.. i guess i just like to ramble... at the moment my rl kitchen has been ripped out.. the carcass of the new kitchen went in today but its such a mess.. but left over pizza for dinner.. yummmmmmmm....


New round of Tres Chic has started, and Vinyl have a cute little top on offer.. so sweet.. every solid colour has a bonus pattern.. love the polka dots!! and don't forget HairOlogy is still on.. grab all the info below..  ♥

outfit ~
Vinyl -  Dirnt Halter Top available at Tres Chic
Blueberry - Milly - Leather Shorts

shoes ~
Glamistry : PEONY Heels

nails ~
DarkPassions - Koffin Nails - Raven Wings available at Dark Side Fair

hair ~
Tukinowaguma *TKW* Bohumila available at Hair O logy

tattoo ~
[White~Widow] Demolition available at Black Fashion Fair

body ~ 
IKON Hope Eyes - Storm
Maitreya Lara Mesh Body
LeLutka Mesh Head- Karin
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads ) Jin Appliers
*MC* "Falsies" Mesh Alpha Lashes
Slink Hands (Elegant)
Slink High Feet
[MANDALA] STEKING ears season 5
Shape by League, no longer available 

photo taken at ~
The Chamber

♥ raven xx 

Saturday, 16 April 2016

sunday fun..

i have already shared the cute Vinyl and Azuchi collaboration from Epiphany here, and this morning i had some fun with the Blueberry and Grixdale collaboration, and teamed it with the Blueberry Oakley gacha.. all available at Epiphany!!...

And this great pose/prop is by Something New and will be available at 50 Shades of Lust, starting on the 17th April (SLT)... ♥

outfit ~
Blueberry & Grixdale - Madcap Jacket - Lara - Black available at The Epiphany
Blueberry & Grixdale - Madcap - Pantie - Lara -Red available at The Epiphany
Blueberry - Bra - Maitreya - Red available at The Epiphany

nails ~
DarkPassions - Koffin Nails - Raven Wings available at Dark Side Fair

hair ~
Amacci Hair - Poppy

tattoo ~
[White~Widow] Demolition available at Black Fashion Fair

body ~ 
IKON Hope Eyes - Storm
Maitreya Lara Mesh Body
LeLutka Mesh Head- Karin
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads ) Jin Appliers
*MC* "Falsies" Mesh Alpha Lashes
Slink Hands (Elegant)
Slink High Feet
[MANDALA] STEKING ears season 5
Shape by League, no longer available 
pose/prop ~SN~  Light Me Up available at 50 Shades of Lust

photo taken at ~
~ serein ~ (open to public)

♥ raven xx 

Saturday, 16 April 2016

shades of lust...

the 50 shades of lust fair is about to start.. and i was asked by AviCandy to do some pics for her stall at the event!! there is eight in all.. but this was my favourite!! i will put another favourite at the end of the post..

i am not going to do all my credits today.. this blog is just about a few exciting things happening in my sl... all on the blogging front.. and taking pics of course..

Daria (owner of Mesh Body Addicts) and i have been joking for months that i should work for her, well finally during a conversation, with me exhausted and her ill, i am now working for MBA, as her assistant manager.. sooo exciting.. this will include soo many things.. i am thrilled at this chance to spread my wings in this way.. marketing.. group.. blogging.. etc etc..

and then..... another lovely blonde bombshell, Ashton, owner/designer of AviCandy, has asked me to be her Marketing Ninja!!!! 

soo.. her i am.. working for both the gorgeous blondes that have the Meds Sim, which homes both MBA and AviCandy.. i am excited and honoured to be part of both these amazing ventures of Daria and Ash!! ♥ ♥

Friday, 15 April 2016


loved putting this together.. took a while to get it how i wanted.. angles.. windlights.. choosing a pose in this amazing cage by Stockholm & Lima.. and to capture the insides of this new gorgeous house by Scarlet Creative.. what fun to be able to be this creative in SL.. ♥

outfit ~
RealEvil **RE** Cat Corset available at ROMP
RealEvil **RE** Cat Pasties available at ROMP
Blueberry - Oakley - Common - Maitreya - Silver Wings available at The Epiphany
{Luxuria} Bound Lace Lingerie *INDULGENCE (wearing panties only) available at ROMP    

tattoo ~
[White~Widow] Demolition available at Black Fashion Fair

hair ~
[KoKoLoReS]  Hair - Vanessa 

body ~ 
IKON Hope Eyes - Storm
Maitreya Lara Mesh Body
LeLutka Mesh Head- Karin
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads ) Jin Appliers
*MC* "Falsies" Mesh Alpha Lashes
Slink Hands (Elegant)
Slink High Feet
[MANDALA] STEKING ears season 5
Shape by League, no longer available 

cage ~
Stockholm&Lima: The Nightingale Cage (Antique) available at ROMP
house ~
Scarlet Creative  Greenlily Cottage available now at Collabor88

♥ raven xx  

Friday, 15 April 2016

empty shadows...

been a hard five weeks in rl.. but tonight brought amazing good news.. so tonight i can finally sleep.. no 4am wake up... i am feeling relaxed at last.. yay....

and my sl is opening up some amazing opportunities... so its been a rollercoaster.. more about the good news soon... ♥


ROMP opens at Midday SLT... and there is amazing offerings as always... i LOVE this event.. and i love Salt&Pepper's latex dress on offer.. they also have a Men's latex outfit at the event.. so worth checking out... all you need below as always..

dress ~
Salt&Pepper S&P dress Kelly  available at the ROMP

hair ~
[KoKoLoReS]  Hair - Tilda dichromic available at Hair O logy  

body ~ 
IKON Hope Eyes - Storm
Maitreya Lara Mesh Body
LeLutka Mesh Head- Karin
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads ) Jin Appliers
*MC* "Falsies" Mesh Alpha Lashes
Slink Hands (Elegant)
Slink High Feet
[MANDALA] STEKING ears season 5
Shape by League, no longer available 
pose/prop ~Exposeur - Sartorialist Showcase

♥ raven xx  

Thursday, 14 April 2016


another event happening at the moment is the 100 Block Fair..  and today i am sharing this sexy black leather and stud dress by Kaithleens.. also still going on is Bodyfy.. RealEvil as always have creative amazing jewellery on offer.... so grab the tps and start shopping..  oh oh and never forget Hair O logy.. i love this event.. discovering hair creators i never knew!! get shopping.. ♥

dress ~
Kaithleen's Leather Mini w Studs available at the 100 Block Fair

hair ~
Amacci Hair - Vivien available at Hair O logy  

necklace ~
RealEvil **RE** Brutal Necklace - Female available at Bodyfy

body ~ 
IKON Hope Eyes - Storm
Maitreya Lara Mesh Body
LeLutka Mesh Head- Karin
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads ) Jin Appliers
*MC* "Falsies" Mesh Alpha Lashes
Slink Hands (Elegant)
Slink High Feet
[MANDALA] STEKING ears season 5
Shape by League, no longer available 
♥ raven xx

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

all work...

Epiphany is just around the corner.. well even closer than that.. less than 24 hour wait before this gacha event is open!!... soo many amazing creators join this event.. and this round Vinyl and Azuchi have collaborated together for a cute set.. sooo many pieces.. skirts, ties, bras, knickers (panties), shoes.. a great assortment colours.. textures.. lots of things to grab!!!... today i have had some fun with it.. and just shared the bra, tie and knickers... and have teamed it with the White Widow Charade tattoo.. also at Epiphany..

outfit ~
[Azuchi-Vinyl] Dress Code available at The Epiphany starting April 12
Photographed: Tie, Bra & Panties..

nails ~
DarkPassions - Koffin Nails - Raven Wings available at Dark Side Fair

hair ~
pr!tty - May available at Hair O logy  

tattoo ~
[White~Widow] Charade, rares from The Epiphany starting April 12

body ~ 
IKON Hope Eyes - Storm
Maitreya Lara Mesh Body
LeLutka Mesh Head- Karin
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads ) Jin Appliers
*MC* "Falsies" Mesh Alpha Lashes
Slink Hands (Elegant)
Slink High Feet
[MANDALA] STEKING ears season 5
Shape by League, no longer available 
photo taken at ~
~ serein club~ (group only)

♥ raven xx 

Monday, 11 April 2016


such fun doing this pic.. featuring some of the great items from the next round of Epiphany starting on 12 April... and who can forget these great pants by Just Because for Fameshed!! .. all credits below.. ♥

pants ~
*JustBecause* Skinny Suedes available at Fameshed

accessories ~
RealEvil Ind. Bad-Kitty Epiphany from The Epiphany (starting April 12) featuring:
Bad-Kitty Cuff
Bad-Kitty Arm Cuff
Bad-Kitty Head Phones
Bad-Kitty Necklace

nails ~
DarkPassions - Koffin Nails - Raven Wings available at Dark Side Fair

hair ~[^.^Ayashi^.^] Tasha  available at Hair O logy  

tattoo ~
[White~Widow] Charade slink hands, from The Epiphany starting April 12

body ~ 
IKON Hope Eyes - Storm
Maitreya Lara Mesh Body
LeLutka Mesh Head- Karin
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads ) Jin Appliers
*MC* "Falsies" Mesh Alpha Lashes
Slink Hands (Elegant)
Slink High Feet
[MANDALA] STEKING ears season 5
Shape by League, no longer available 
photo taken at ~
~ serein ~ (open to public)

♥ raven xx 

Monday, 11 April 2016

in the tree tops...

life is busy... it's all i have today.. it's busy.. good busy and bad busy.. all mixed together.. just as rl throws at you on occasion... ♥


outfit ~
Salt&Pepper S&P Skirt Dana available at The Seasons Story
Salt&Pepper S&P Corset Dana available at The Seasons Story

hair ~
pr!tty - Maci  available at Hair O logy  

tattoo ~
[White~Widow] Charade, rares from The Epiphany starting April 12

body ~ 
IKON Hope Eyes - Storm
Maitreya Lara Mesh Body
LeLutka Mesh Head- Karin
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads ) Jin Appliers
*MC* "Falsies" Mesh Alpha Lashes
Slink Hands (Elegant)
Slink High Feet
[MANDALA] STEKING ears season 5
Shape by League, no longer available 
photo taken at ~
~ serein ~ (open to public)

♥ raven xx 

Friday, 8 April 2016


outfit ~
Vinyl -  Charlie Sundress available at The Liaison Collaborative 

hair ~
.:EMO-tions.. * KRISTEN * available at Hair O logy starting 10th April

body ~ 
IKON Hope Eyes - Storm
Maitreya Lara Mesh Body
LeLutka Mesh Head- Karin
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads ) Jin Appliers
*MC* "Falsies" Mesh Alpha Lashes
Slink Hands (Elegant)
Slink High Feet
[MANDALA] STEKING ears season 5
Shape by League, no longer available 
prop/pose by ~
Exposeur - Spanish Patio

♥ raven xx 

Friday, 8 April 2016

friday's bath...

hair ~
Magika  [Hair] Meadow

accessories ~
Prodigy Ink Ashley available at BODYFY 

tattoo ~
**RE**  Kitty Watch available at Seasons Story
**RE**  Kitty Bracelet available at Seasons Story 

body ~
IKON Hope Eyes - Storm
Maitreya Lara Mesh Body
LeLutka Mesh Head- Karin
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads ) Jin Appliers
*MC* "Falsies" Mesh Alpha Lashes
Slink Hands (Elegant)
Slink Kitten Feet - Deluxe Hud
[MANDALA] STEKING ears season 5
Shape by League, no longer available

photo taken at ~
~ serein ~ (open to public)

♥ raven xx   

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

feeling the rain..

i have an app on my phone to monitor my sleep.. measures how many hours i sleep, the sleep quality.. it also checks quality against a variety of things... and i was looking at all the stats yesterday, and i sleep 20% better when it rains.. this is no surprise.. i love the sound of rain.. ♥


more events.. more shopping.. more stuff to love!

hosiery ~
AviCandy Feeling Blue Collection available at Anybody starting 7th April

hair ~
no.match_ ~  NO_EXIT available at Hair O logy starting 10th April

body ~
IKON Hope Eyes - Storm
Maitreya Lara Mesh Body
LeLutka Mesh Head- Karin
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads ) Jin Appliers
*MC* "Falsies" Mesh Alpha Lashes
Slink Hands (Elegant)
Slink Kitten Feet - Deluxe Hud
[MANDALA] STEKING ears season 5
Shape by League, no longer available 

decor ~
Di'Cor Garden Chair available at Chapter 4

photo taken at ~
~ serein ~ (open to public)

♥ raven xx   

Tuesday, 5 April 2016


this pic reminded me of snakes and ladders.. you know the game, playing as a child.. always excited to see where the ladder took me.. and just like sl.. too many snakes.. lol.. :P  ♥


sooo happy to be blogging for Kaithleens.. gorgeous fit mesh for maitreya.. this outfit is the Leather Rogue Armor (shown in red), and available via gacha for The Gathering Event..

outfit ~
Kaithleen's Leather Rogue Armor available at The Gathering Event..

hair ~
no.match_ ~  No_Action

tattoo ~
Prodigy Ink Henna

body ~
IKON Hope Eyes - Storm
Maitreya Lara Mesh Body
LeLutka Mesh Head- Karin
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads ) Jin Appliers
*MC* "Falsies" Mesh Alpha Lashes
Slink Hands (Elegant)
Slink Kitten Feet - Deluxe Hud
[MANDALA] STEKING ears season 5
Shape by League, no longer available    

 photo taken at ~

♥ raven xx   

Monday, 4 April 2016


just a quick pretty post tonight.. taken in my sl home.. which is such a mess!. i spend more time on sim decorating... but wanted to share this pretty dress by SALT, available at the current round of Cosmopolitan, tattoo by White~Widow at Shiny Shabby, with my maitreya body and lelutka head.. ♥

Saturday, 2 April 2016

the nights are getting darker..

after a crazy rl week, i spent most of the weekend just taking it easy, another huge week ahead.. but had some fun shopping time on sl.. well shopping.. and hitting those midnight mania boards! such generous designers creating such manic fun!!...

A few things for today.. Di'Cor have released this great pallet swing at Fameshed, i love the chain and tarnished metal pole detail.. reminds me of swings when i was young..  well minus the lovely cushions.. Top is from Blueberry and was the night top for the Midnight Mania.. and i have paired with my fave jeans which are by Just Because, normally i just wear the heels version, but i got the new slink deluxe hud, which has two new heel heights.. and the kitten height (half way between flat and mid) are perfect with the flat version of the jeans.. love being not so flat..   all links below as always for your shopping pleasure ♥

outfit ~
Blueberry - Roro Cropped Top
*JustBecause* Designer Jeans - Midnight

hair ~
Vanity Hair:Street Style

tattoo ~
[White~Widow]  Assassin - Black available at Shiny Shabby

body ~
IKON Hope Eyes - Storm
Maitreya Lara Mesh Body
LeLutka Mesh Head- Karin
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads ) Jin Appliers
*MC* "Falsies" Mesh Alpha Lashes
Slink Hands (Elegant)
Slink Kitten Feet - Deluxe Hud
[MANDALA] STEKING ears season 5
Shape by League, no longer available    

decor ~
Di'Cor Jake's Pallet Swing Brown available from current round of Fameshed

 photo taken at ~
~ serein ~ (open to public)

♥ raven xx   

Saturday, 2 April 2016


sometimes you just gotta display a little attitude... LOVE these leggings Vinyl have released for this Month's Mix Event.. available in store.. exclusive for this round..

outfit ~
Blueberry - Roro Cropped Top
Vinyl  - Thea Leggings - Mix Camo

hair ~
[KoKoLoReS]  Hair - Vanessa

body ~
IKON Hope Eyes - Storm
Maitreya Lara Mesh Body
LeLutka Mesh Head- Karin
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads ) Jin Appliers
*MC* "Falsies" Mesh Alpha Lashes
Slink Hands (Elegant)
Slink High Feet
[MANDALA] STEKING ears season 5
Shape by League, no longer available    

prop/pose by ~
Exposeur - The White Rooms

♥ raven xx 

Friday, 1 April 2016

white latex..

this post, compliments, or pairs with my previous, black leather... just wanted to share the gorgeous latex of this dress by salt&pepper for the The Gacha Guardians 

outfit ~
Salt&Pepper S&P zip-it white latex dress for the The Gacha Guardians

tattoo ~
[White~Widow]  Assassin - Black available at Shiny Shabby

hair ~
[KoKoLoReS] Hair - Ash

body ~
IKON Hope Eyes - Storm
Maitreya Lara Mesh Body
LeLutka Mesh Head- Karin
Glam Affair - ( Lelutka Heads ) Jin Appliers
*MC* "Falsies" Mesh Alpha Lashes
Slink Hands (Elegant)
Slink High Feet
[MANDALA] STEKING ears season 5
Shape by League, no longer available    

photo taken at ~

♥ raven xx