Saturday, 28 February 2015

sunday's call.. the beach

the first day of autumn, a relaxing sunday with windows and doors open, letting the air's breeze drift through the rooms.. lunch is calling.. fresh rolls with ham.. i love these days of sweet nothings, to do as we please, to be calm, to rest..

the beach has the same effect on me.. it is soothing to the soul.. calming to my thoughts as i breath in the salt of the sea.. i think it is time for me to visit again soon, to feel the sand under my feet, hear the waves, deafening out all other noises.. maybe next weekend, a drive to the coast will be on the agenda..

credits & stuff..

clothes ~

:KR: VidaLeather Skirt - black leather by Kastle Rock Couture
:KR: Dazey Halter Top - gray by Kastle Rock Couture

hair ~ 

~Tableau Vivant~ Hatsuhi (New Year Group gift)

pose ~ by !bang

photo taken at ~


~raven xx

Saturday, 28 February 2015

.. a single candle

"There is not enough darkness in all the world to put out the light of even one small candle"
Robert Alden

~ clothes/shoes

::M.O.D.A.N.M.E.S.H.::Csl Dress Red
::HH:: Hucci Aste Boot - Midnight
lingerie ~Blacklace~Contessa Black

~ photo taken at

the Chamber

~ raven xx

Friday, 27 February 2015

last day of summer...

i can't believe it is the last day of summer already, two months already done for 2015.. the summer hasn't been too unbearable this year, i think less long stretches of heat, and nicer cooler changes with rain.. and my favourite season starts tomorrow.. i love autumn.. the crisp mornings and evenings.. the changing colours of leaves.. such a pretty time of the year..

credits & stuff..

clothes/shoes ~ 
::M.O.D.A.N.M.E.S.H.::Country Dress  Black (purchased at 55L thursday sale)
Glamistry - LINARIA Heels for Slink High - NEW

pose ~
January Calendar Girl by Something New Props & Poses for Olala Event 2nd Round (1st March)

body ~ 
Slink Physique update (yay) V2.0
Slink Feet (high) and Hands (Elegant) V2.0
Glam Affair, Jamaica skin and appliers
Truth Hair, Esperanza -  reds
Alyce - Sugar Eyes (mesh)
Izzies Makeup (from harlow skin pack)
TAOX Tattoo (appliers)

~ photo taken at  Just Another Tequila Sunrise

Friday, 27 February 2015

lost in the labyrinth...

i am feeling rather lost lately.. losing myself in my own mind.. trying to find my way through the maze of thoughts.. then talking to my sis about the offerings of today's 50L friday, we likened this dress to one worn by Sarah in one of our favourite movies, Labyrinth... so i decided that it was perfect for my mood tonight.. maybe i should just learn to enjoy the maze for a while as i make my way though this time... after all.. doesn't it lead to a King?

credits & stuff

dress ~ *{Junbug}* Princess Andel in Lavender FLF Special - for 50L Friday
hair ~ TRUTH HAIR Delphine -  reds - for UBER

the maze was from a gacha prize ~ Casita - The Goblin Kings Game, it is mod, so i was able to enlarge it.

~raven xx

Wednesday, 25 February 2015


i am a lover of words, the power they have to evoke emotion, whether it be sadness, anger, happiness and bliss.. also the physical power they can have.. make your pulse race, tears fall, skin hum and so much more.. some people forget the effect the simplest of words can have.. so be careful of what you say.. what you promise.. the words you chose to share.. as someone out their hangs on every word you say.. and if you don't have one out there that does.. i am sure they are not far away..

credits & stuff..

body ~ 
Slink Physique update (yay) V2.0
Slink Feet (high) and Hands (Elegant) V2.0
Glam Affair, Jamaica skin and appliers
Truth Hair, Esperanza -  reds
Alyce - Sugar Eyes (mesh)
Izzies Makeup (from harlow skin pack)
TAOX Tattoo (appliers)

clothes/shoes ~ 
Happy Undead - Mini Skirt [vinyl black]  (this is a great skirt - comes in more sizes than you can imagine)
:{F.A.D.}: Mesh Moto Leather Jacket + HUD - Purchased at Hello Tuesday/Cosmopolitan
 Glamistry - CALYSTEGIA Heels for Slink High (LOVE the hud with these shoes)

house stuff ~
house by Scarlet Creative at current round of Collabor88 
Con&floorplan. bean bag chair (blanket) / black at current round of Collabor88 
:CheekyPea: Poppy Inspirational Sign at current round of N21

~raven xx

Monday, 23 February 2015

another quiet night...

another quiet night in on sl... 

credits ~

body ~ maitreya lara mesh body
shape ~ league taylor
skin/appliers ~ glam affair
hands/feet ~ slink
eyes ~ alyce sugar eyes (mesh)
makeup ~ izzies (part of the harlow skin)
eyelashes ~ maitreya group gift
mesh ears ~ mandala
tattoo ~ Letis - sexy lotus
hand tattoo ~ . inhale . Little Birds #2

hair ~ entwined anna - shiny shappy gift  
nail appliers ~ Hello Dave - group gift

rings ~ {FORMANAILS} Accessoires - RINGS - Slink ELEGANT
cuffs & collar by real evil industries (purchased on MP)  
lingerie ~ MAAI Oaks lingerie * Nude only 99L @ anyBody

chair ~ Trompe Loeil - Amelia Loveseat Leather Black {A} @ Collabor88
lamp ~ junk. arch lamp. tall
candles ~ cheeky pea Oiseau es Chandelles (Birdcage Candle Thingy) Partial Lit
wings ~ 22769 ~ [bauwerk] Newspaper Wings White  @ shiny shappy
opposite chair ~ Dutchie maledom chair 2.0
other decor ~ assorted gacha prizes

photo taken at my home, house by Scarlet Creative at current round of Collabor88

Saturday, 21 February 2015

waiting for the phone to ring..

even when walking forward.. there is a still sense of waiting for something to happen.. there is only so much you can control yourself.. outside influences.. human nature and the ever unpredictable emotions.. at the moment i feel like i am taking steps but listening for the phone to ring..


credits and stuff..

hair by Entwinded

lingerie by dirtymind (maitreya appliers), available at Fi*Friday for 55L
cuffs & collar by real evil industries (purchased on MP) 

pose by Something New, available for 1L at the Vanity Fair 2015

photo taken at my home, house by Scarlet Creative at current round of Collabor88

~raven xx

Saturday, 21 February 2015

.. a soak

i made the decision early this week to join the local gym, being an ex gym junkie i suddenly felt the need to get back into shape and feel fit again.  so after a week of getting back into training, cycling every morning, and one weights session on thursday, today i am sore.. body is aching all over.  So i took some time to myself today, turned off laptop, put phone on charge and spent an hour in my spa bath letting the jets do their magic on my tired muscles.. while lying back, eyes closed, i thought i should do a bath pic in sl in my new little space.. i love this house from Scarlet Creative, current round of collabor88.. so easy to decorate and make spaces that i enjoy..


hair ~ argrace hikari - Reds

house ~ Scarlet Creative at Collabor88
bed ~ Stockholm&Lima: Autumn's End Bed (Adult)
bath ~ Con & floorplan (pewter (A))
AF Dress Form w/ Dress ~ apple fall (gacha prize)
additional decor ~ candles and room divider made by me :)

~raven xx

Friday, 20 February 2015

blue moon..

the moon's glow
the night air
warm naked flesh
the lapping water
instantly calms
analysing thoughts

deep breaths
serenity comes
to her being
she bathes in
the blues of the
summer night
finding herself... again


Tuesday, 17 February 2015

speckled light...

when i was growing up, i always had my bed positioned under my window.  I loved the way the light shone through on an autumn day, casting shadows over me.. and my bedroom walls.. i would lay for hours at night just looking at the moon and stars through the large windows.. that i rarely covered in curtains..

my bedroom was my favourite place to be.. listening to music.. getting lost in books.. wishing upon the stars and dreaming beneath the moon.. the shadows.. the light.. every day and night the room looked different as my imagination took over.. speckled light dancing to it's own tune..

even as we move forward in life.. take on the challenges.. be responsible.. do what we need to do.. it is important to remember the moments... to stop.. watch the shadows.. dream on the moon and forever wish on the stars..


lingerie ~  alaskametro ~ yvette lingerie, only 25L each from Anybody (the current round ends 28th Feb)

hair ~ vida by truth
tattoo ~ *PerveTTe* [Tattoo] Crows Dream
cuffs & collar ~ real evil industries (purchased on MP) 

Scarlet Creative Hudson Townhouse at Collabor88
floorplan.&Willow. lazy lounger / olive ADULT
bar/table ~ stockholm&lima

Monday, 16 February 2015

something erotic at ~serein~

I am finally doing a blog with pictures taken at ~serein~.... ~serein~ is a small club space i have created.. it is BDSM erotic club, with lovely places to relax and play with a wonderful assortment of furniture from some of the best creators in SL.. so please come and visit.. no membership required to enjoy..

One of my closest friends on SL, Ally, is the owner of Something New and Something Erotic Props and Poses.  And this is one of her latest poses for Something Erotic ~ Restrained Slave - Stork Slave Girl. 

credits ~

hair ~ Freya -  reds
chest chain harness ~ [Haste] Chain Harness Black 
lower chain harness ~ luas ashanti black chains thong
shoulder harness ~ [Haste] Tyne Harness - Green
blindfold ~ *:..Silvery K..:*Blindfold(non Rigged Mesh)Black from this round of Collabor88
cuffs & collar ~ real evil industries (purchased on MP)

furniture by

~ raven xx

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Valentina at Fameshed

my last bit of shopping on the weekend took me to Fameshed, with one goal, and that was to pick up the outfit from Valentina E. Couture.  V.e is probably my favourite original mesh designer.  Always creative, sexy, original designs, with beautiful textures..

sitting in one of my newly decorated corners, i chose the kissing chair and love marquee light from Cheeky Pea and the Naptime Bookcase by Consignment.. adding a set of candles.. this finishes the little area perfectly..

credits ~

outfit ~ :V.e. Bittersweet DUO  Slate from Fameshed
house ~ Scarlet Creative at Collabor88
hair ~ misty by truth
cuffs & collar ~ real evil industries (purchased on MP)
hand tattoo ~. inhale . Little Birds #2 (slink appliers)

Sunday, 15 February 2015

[ . debauch . ] ~ blanket forts and hot cocoa

this afternoon (my time) i went to the Valentines  (blanket forts and hot cocoa) event at [ . debauch . ]. debauch  is a great adult/kinky club owned by Red Pralou, always friendly, great music, which Red DJs the majority of the time for her events.

There wasn't many of us, but was fun to sit around, dance and chat in such a relaxed atmosphere.  Red decorates for her events perfectly, and tonight was no exception. Couches, tents, forts, lots of sweets and cocoa. 

I am sitting at the foot of the new corset chair by Stockholm & Lima, i love everything Surrealia  creates, and this chair is adorable, and is available at the new Leather and Lace round of the Liaison


top/shorts ~ elymode: Xandra, maitreya appliers (purchased at last round of My Attic)
hair ~ misty by truth
collar ~ real evil industries (purchased on MP)
tattoo ~ *PerveTTe* [Tattoo] Crows Dream

~raven xx

Saturday, 14 February 2015

Purple on Valentines..

Well it's Valentines Day, actually not long left of it here Down Under, and every year i always say it is just another day, and it is, but every year i have this little wish that sits behind of my logical thoughts for a Valentines message, something sweet and mushy, silly and romantic.. anything that just gives you a smile that warms your heart or other parts.. ~grins~ .. maybe one day...

This weekend there is sooo much red in SL, so I decided to do something that wasn't... and after checking out the 60L Weekend list i found this fantastic corset by -siss boom-, it also was available in golden colours, mesh, 7 sizes, maitreya friendly..


hair ~ misty by truth
collar ~ real evil industries (purchased on MP)
corset ~ -siss boom- in royal

** photo taken at my sl home..

~raven xx

Friday, 13 February 2015

to fly.... words by me..

with wings we are born
unseen to the eyes
but our souls long
they long to fly

with the world so busy
life weighs us down
people leaden those
wings that have needs

a need for the skies
an ache to be free
to feel the rays of the
moon or sun so bright

so release your soul
lighten your wings
spread them to the skies
and allow yourself
............................. to fly

~words by raven

Friday, 13 February 2015


i thought since i would be posting quite a few fashion/clothing blogs i should give credits to my basic body i wear all the time.. that way i wouldn't have to keep repeating myself and concentrate more on what i want to blog about.. so will refer back to here when needed for basic shape credits...

body ~ maitreya lara mesh body
shape ~ league taylor
skin/appliers ~ glam affair
hands/feet ~ slink
eyes ~ alyce sugar eyes (mesh)

makeup ~ izzies (part of the harlow skin)
eyelashes ~ maitreya group gift
mesh ears ~ mandala

“It’s easy to take off your clothes and have sex. People do it all the time. But opening up your soul to someone, letting them into your spirit, thoughts, fears, future, hopes, dreams… that is being naked.”
Rob Bell

Thursday, 12 February 2015


This was not the blog i was going to do tonight before i fell asleep.  But as i started to put together the one i had envisioned this happened instead.

I decided after stumbling through a few relationships on sl i needed to redo my sl house. To decorate it for me, rather trying to impress others.  So while at Collabor88 the other night i fell in love with the town house from Scarlet Creative.  It is rustic, relaxed, and a blank canvas to decorate anyway you please.  So my evening has been spent pulling apart one house to create another space for me..

Well it is almost my bed time, after 10.30pm here down under, and my pillow is calling for me as it is time to dream...i believe in dreams.. and love the places they take you.. and who can resist a teddy bear too!!

so time to give credits where credits are due...

house ~ Scarlet Creative at Collabor88
bed ~ Stockholm&Lima: Autumn's End Bed (Adult)
decor ~ Oh La La - "Dream" (picked up at a gacha sale), candles and room divider made by me :)

body ~ maitreya
skin/appliers ~ glam affair
tattoo ~ *PerveTTe* [Tattoo] Crows Dream
hair ~ Aviva -  variety

pose ~ Something Erotic Poses and Props

"The dream was always running ahead of me. To catch up, to live for a moment in unison with it, that was the miracle."

Anais Nin

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

talking to myself.. first post!

It has been a long time since I have dedicated myself to a blog.  I used to blog a long time ago when Yahoo 360 existed, for those that don't know, 360 was a blogging platform hosted by yahoo.  I was part of a fun, great community, most of us having met on Literotica chat site.

When 360 closed its doors, myself and a friend, with help, decided to start our own blogging community.  It was a closed community of friends, and friends of friends, etc, we had over 200 members.  I blogged/wrote almost daily.  It was a bdsm/erotic community.  We had writers, kinky peeps, and lot's of fun!

I closed the doors on that site about 2 years ago and have since missed the community feeling of being involved in something like that.

Recently I have really been enjoying flickr, and all it has to offer.  The people, groups, sharing awards, comments and being motivated by amazing second life photographers.

So with the encouragement of my gorgeous sis, star, and one amazing friend, ally... here i am blogging again.  It will be a mix of thoughts, photos, places on sl, fashion or whatever i feel like at the time.

one blog down... many to go..
